“Why did I choose naturopathic medicine? I believe there is more to dementia than just working with the brain; there are many metabolic and biochemical factors that affect our brain stemming from the body. It is not as if our brains (and heads!) are detached from the body. But rather, what happens in the body also happens in the head! This is why I believe naturopathic medicine takes a powerful stance at addressing these factors that affect our brains. As a naturopathic physician, I take a comprehensive approach in working with my patients, from screening for inflammation, insulin resistance, and hormones while working on their lifestyles – all of which contribute greatly to our brain health.

I also love to teach, and if I didn’t become a doctor, I’d probably become a teacher! But as a naturopathic physician, I get the best of both worlds as I get to follow what doctor really means; the root of the word doctor comes from the Latin ‘docere’ which means to teach. In other words, I teach my patients and community how the body works, how the disease develops and how we need to approach our health. Besides teaching my patients individually, I also teach the community more about their health at the library and community centres, I supervise interns at the teaching clinic, and I teach doctors and allied health practitioners more about dementia through professional engagements and webinars.”

-Adjunct Clinical Faculty, Dr. Romi Fung, ND

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